• We promote the “Friend a Farmer” model where most of the farm products are sold via recognized channels and direct established relationships. We strongly believe this marketing philosophy helps create transparency to consumers and directly benefits the farmers with a fair trade. Therefore, we prefer working with clients who promote us along with their brand, and provide absolute transparency to the consumers.

    Some of the areas where we can PARTNER with us are listed on the IMAGE

    Kindly write to us at if you are interested in initiating a project with us.


Our land, produce and processes are currently certified organic by IMO Control (NPOP), meeting EU nation standards. We can obtain NOP/EU/JAS/Demeter certification upon request by a client considering the size of the order or contract.

Please note that we do not have an export licence to directly ship products to international clients. We will need to identify and work with someone who has a valid licence. All contract pricing is set at farmgate.